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2017.08 baby shu bao's internal management promotion of 6S project launch conference in 2017
Time: 2017-12-14    View: 3286    Burst: INSOFTB

  On the morning of August 17, 2017, baby shu bao (China) co. LTD

  "Internal management promotion of 6S project in 2017"

  Host opening

  The President of yan attaches great importance to the 6S project and is present at the important speech.

  "In order to develop and respond to the challenges of the market in the long run, the company has to develop its internal skills.

  Improve the internal management, improve the system, "to change, win the future."

  The company has hired the senior teacher of Taiwan guoxin enterprise management consulting company to provide in-depth guidance on the implementation of the 6S project.

  In the morning, professor rao introduced the importance of 6S to the company and the analysis of successful cases.

  In the evening, miss xiao will formally start training for all managers and workshop hosts.

  The evening was presided over by a former general manager, and Mr. Xiao began the first "S".

  The representatives of each team solemnly swear under the leadership of yan:

  With a positive attitude, must win the confidence, respect teachers, unite the family, fully promote the company "6S" project, to improve efficiency, reduce waste, standardize management! On behalf of our team, we solemnly promise: do not complain, do not push off, practical work, do not reach the goal, never give up! With its diamond quality infant care products, it is the first choice for hundreds of millions of mothers to care for and care for their children. I love baby, I love baby!

  After the oath, everyone signed the pledge wall to vote on the heart.

  The whole venue was impassioned and the morale was high.

  Today's honor is the result of yesterday's efforts,

  Tomorrow's victory is the witness of today's struggle!

  We need to build the baby with a zero mentality and the confidence to win

  China's maternal and infant health products brand with the most potential development potential.

  The 6S members take a group photo in front of our complex office building.

  Launch of the general assembly

  The chairman and the staff of the meeting took a group photo in the hall of the complex.

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