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2017.09 jinjiang city enterprise and entrepreneur federation visited the baby shu bao to visit the exchange
Time: 2017-09-30    View: 2132    Burst: INSOFTB

On the afternoon of September 28, 2017, the federation of enterprises and entrepreneurs of jinjiang city organized more than 50 elite entrepreneurs and visited our company to visit our company. The President of our company, the former general manager warmly received, and the entrepreneurs in our company's integrated office building group photo.

First, the general manager of zeng guodong introduced the development of the company to the guests, and took the entrepreneurs to the production workshop. Baby comfortable treasure now has diapers article 16 of the international advanced production equipment, including baby diapers, ring waist trousers, pants, swimming trunks, enjoy private pants (menstrual pants), adult diapers, adult lala pants, dry wet wipes, towel, women's and children's amphibious towels and other advanced equipment. Also invested heavily to introduce the most advanced automated stereoscopic warehouse, a total of 17500 three-dimensional storehouse location, can store about 1 million pieces of goods, the maximum limit to ensure that the products achieve the "fifo" precise management, greatly reduce labor costs.

  Entrepreneurs from all walks of life to visit the us intelligence stereoscopic warehouse, inspired wisdom made to intelligent, automated production, see baby comfortable treasure very outstanding achievements made in just a few years time, is a great encouragement, to give highly appreciated.

The chairman and the entrepreneur share the baby shu baocheng long entrepreneurial journey, thank the community for the care and support of the baby shu bao!

After visiting the production workshop and warehouse, party chairman to concluding remarks of this activity, he said the infant comfortable treasure the development of the enterprise is very good, yan chairman is also our entrepreneurs association, executive vice President of infant comfortable treasure a high brand awareness, product quality is quite good, also have a large share in the market. This activity is greatly deepened the entrepreneurs from all walks of life to the infant comfortable treasure new knowledge and understanding, and enhance the communication and friendship between our company and from all walks of life entrepreneurs, together for jinjiang to make new contributions to the economic development in the future.

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